Dear Keeper of the Breath for Singers,
I am the proud mother of three children. Sammy is 10 and he thinks he will be singing on Broadway by next year, Abigail is 7 going on 15, and dear little Joey wants to be like his older brother and sister, but he is just 4 and a half years old. I want them all to learn how to breathe with intention. Gawd knows, they have great lungs when they want something! How old must a child be to learn the Diaphragm Techniques?
Signed: Proud Mom
Dear Proud Mom,
Good for you mom, you want to teach your children proper techniques at a young age. This opportunity will set them up for life! The breathing muscle memory that we develop at a young age, translates into increased singing capabilities as we grow. So, one would think that even little 4 and a half year old Joey can benefit from learning diaphragm breathing techniques.
However, unless the instruction is structured correctly, it is unlikely that Joey will get it. A good structure for teaching children is to set up games that can be played in 10-15 minute increments. That way, no one gets overwhelmed or loses focus.
I am the proud mother of three children. Sammy is 10 and he thinks he will be singing on Broadway by next year, Abigail is 7 going on 15, and dear little Joey wants to be like his older brother and sister, but he is just 4 and a half years old. I want them all to learn how to breathe with intention. Gawd knows, they have great lungs when they want something! How old must a child be to learn the Diaphragm Techniques?
Signed: Proud Mom
Dear Proud Mom,
Good for you mom, you want to teach your children proper techniques at a young age. This opportunity will set them up for life! The breathing muscle memory that we develop at a young age, translates into increased singing capabilities as we grow. So, one would think that even little 4 and a half year old Joey can benefit from learning diaphragm breathing techniques.
However, unless the instruction is structured correctly, it is unlikely that Joey will get it. A good structure for teaching children is to set up games that can be played in 10-15 minute increments. That way, no one gets overwhelmed or loses focus.

If you were to put Sammy, Abigail, and Joey in a room together, ironically Joey at 4.5 years would be able to embrace the techniques quickest because he has less pre-conditioned muscle memory in his body, ears, and voice. Abigail, as a MATURE 7 year old can comprehend more than Joey but might not integrate the techniques as quickly. And of course Sammy at 10 years old is right in the “sweet spot” for teaching these techniques.
At 10 years old, a child can comprehend, repeat, and integrate the techniques into their basic singing habits. So, I recommend that you have them go to their singing teacher for 45 minutes. Sammy (10) would get the first 15 minutes to himself and then spend half hour practicing the techniques taught. Abigail (7) would be in for the second 15 minutes and practicing for 15 minutes afterwards. And Joey (4.5) would be in for the last 15 minutes. That would be 45 minutes of rest for you mom, and your children would all be learning to breathe for singing.
Steven Flam is the developer of the groundbreaking teaching technique called BreathingRx For Singers which includes diaphragm target training. For more information or to debate the content of this article please contact him at [email protected] or check out our website at:
At 10 years old, a child can comprehend, repeat, and integrate the techniques into their basic singing habits. So, I recommend that you have them go to their singing teacher for 45 minutes. Sammy (10) would get the first 15 minutes to himself and then spend half hour practicing the techniques taught. Abigail (7) would be in for the second 15 minutes and practicing for 15 minutes afterwards. And Joey (4.5) would be in for the last 15 minutes. That would be 45 minutes of rest for you mom, and your children would all be learning to breathe for singing.
Steven Flam is the developer of the groundbreaking teaching technique called BreathingRx For Singers which includes diaphragm target training. For more information or to debate the content of this article please contact him at [email protected] or check out our website at: