When I was younger, my mother made me take piano lessons and every day I had to practice. I had a great teacher who loved to teach me the songs but I needed technique, I had to start my practicing extremely boring scales which gave me the familiarity with the instrument that I needed to play the rag time riff I loved to play.
So how does one make the daily ritual fun enough so that our students will actually do it? When you teach students to have joy, they will both do the work, and it will provide freedom for them to grow as singers more quickly.
Our recommended morning routine which warms up the body before singing, which our students find pleasurable and easy to integrate into their day is detailed below:
So how does one make the daily ritual fun enough so that our students will actually do it? When you teach students to have joy, they will both do the work, and it will provide freedom for them to grow as singers more quickly.
Our recommended morning routine which warms up the body before singing, which our students find pleasurable and easy to integrate into their day is detailed below:
Here are some exercises for you to improve your Daily Practice and breath like a baby:
While you are still in bed – connecting body release and organic breath – the baby is breathing and turning over in his crib:
1. Find Your Breath: The Organic Breathing Exercise
2. Connect Your Vocal Cords: Diaphragm Target Training
(On the edge of your bed – loosening up the articulators – the baby is crawling)
3. Free your Articulators: Jaw Traction and Tongue thrust release exercises
(Standing Now — putting it on its feet — the baby is walking)
4. Taking your Stance: Balance and Body Release Practice
5. Put it Together: Vocal-eases
Steven Flam is the developer of the groundbreaking teaching technique called BreathingRx For Singers which includes diaphragm target training. For more information or to debate the content of this article please contact him at [email protected] or check out our website at: www.breathingrx.com